Homer’s “The Odyssey” tells the journey of a warrior, known as Odysseus who fought in order to end the Trojan War. After ten wholesome years of fighting, Odysseus has grown tired and is ready to return back to his home in Ithaca. Despite his intentions of heading home, Odysseus is faced with the hardships of being lost at sea for yet another ten years eventually making his way to Ithaca. An epic hero a man of important ancestry with a great deal of courage and strength, who portrays cultural, religious, or national ideals and is celebrated for one’s bold acts.
Although this term is mainly used when addressing classic-like pieces, it is still prevalent in modern-day texts. And an example of this type of hero would be Percy Jackson. The character was created by author Rick Riordan for “The Lightning Thief”, the first book of the five-part saga. Within the second novel “The Sea of Monsters”, the characteristics shared between both Odysseus and Percy Jackson are able to be spotted relatively quick. The seventeen-year-old son of Poseidon, has the Odysseus-like qualities of traveling to supernatural worlds, loyalty, and having more courage and bravery than the average human being. And similarly to Odysseus, Percy goes out on a quest with supernatural encounters.