George Orwell has been a major contributor to anticommunist literature around the World War II period

George Orwell has been a major contributor to anticommunist literature around the World War II period. Orwell
lived in England during World War II, a time when the Totalitarianism State, Nazi Germany, was at war with
England and destroyed the city of London. (DISC) “I know that building’ said Winston finally. It’s a ruin now. It’s in
the middle of the street outside the Palace of Justice. ‘That’s right. Outside the Law Courts. It was bombed in-oh
many years ago.'” (Orwell 83). The main character’s being reflects Orwell’s own life experiences as a citizen in war
torn England and how he uses this in 1984. George Orwell is famous for two major novels, which attack
totalitarianism. The first is Animal Farm a satire describing the leaders of the Soviet Union as animals on an animal
farm. The second novel is 1984 a story of dictators who are in complete control of a large part of the world after the
Allies lost in World War II. The government in this novel gives no!

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