
Also, Dickinson’s usage of metaphor Dickinson can make death charismatic by contrasting the morning dawn to end. For example in lines (5-6) “Death but the drift of eater gray-Dissolving into dawn away-Before the west begin” connotes the idea that life is “dissolving” into death and the notion of nature in this part of the poem creates an image that is beautiful and peaceful. Dickinson does this to seek comfort from the reality of death creating the theme of isolation between herself and the world. Furthermore, in line (4) Dickinson’s utilization of the word “drift” within the sentence creates a lack of purpose with the reality of death and in line (4-5) “dissolving into dawn away , before west begins” implicate Dickinson interconnectedness of the world and afterlife because the sentence interprets that death starts if the day which in reality become parts of our world. Nevertheless, the poem displays metaphors within the poem in lines (7-12) “Tis Kingdom afterward they say, In perfect pauseless Monarchy, Whose Prince is Son of None Himself , His Dateless Dynasty Himself Himself diversify In Duplicate divine” creates powerful image of royalty and skepticism when Dickinson says “they say” which questions the Holy Trinity as to why there is one God yet with three substitutes in the afterlife and line (8) “In perfect, pauseless Monarchy” follows that with this god there is and never ending reign and this god is Jesus Christ. And “Tis Kingdom” is the realms of the God’s timeless immortality.

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