2 Describe the potential effects of discrimination – An individual could have a very low self esteem due to discrimination which could later lead to depression

2 Describe the potential effects of discrimination – An individual could have a very low self esteem due to discrimination which could later lead to depression. When someone is treated differently because of characteristics they could become stressed and even turn to drastic measures to change themselves, Whether that is surgery, Weight loss or gain or withdrawing themselves from society. If an individual has to withdraw themselves from society, they could develop a fear of rejection. Because they are being rejected from society they could also become angry and believe that it is their fault they are being discriminated against, if the discrimination continued, they could even begin to take it out on themselves by self harming which in long term could drastically affect their health.
3 Explain how inclusive practice promotes equality and supports diversity Inclusive practice is about the attitudes, approaches and strategies taken to ensure that people are not excluded or isolated. It means supporting diversity by accepting welcoming people’s differences and promoting equality by equal opportunities for all. In addition inclusive practice involves having an understanding of the impact that discrimination, inequality and social exclusion can have on an individual. Having an understanding of this ensures appropriate personalised care and support can be given. This enables the individual to develop self respect and selfworth, also to maintain a valued role in society and the environment surrounding them.

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