The Safeguarding Concerns Manager must consider whether there are any immediate actions they need to take in order to keep the adult

The Safeguarding Concerns Manager must consider whether there are any immediate
actions they need to take in order to keep the adult, or others, safe from harm.
This involves taking actions in relation to the adult at risk and others, including:
• making an immediate evaluation of the risk to the adult at risk and others
• taking reasonable and practical steps to safeguard the adult at risk as appropriate
• liaising with the police where an immediate police presence is required or to discuss
any risk management issues
• arranging any necessary emergency medical treatment; note that offences of a
sexual nature will require expert advice from the police
• making sure that other service users (and staff/volunteers) are not at risk
It may also involve taking actions in relation to the person or organisation alleged to have
caused harm, including:
• liaising with the police wherever possible regarding actions that may impact upon a
subsequent criminal investigation, such as where the protective arrangements may
forewarn the person alleged to have caused harm of an impending criminal
investigation and potentially prejudice the collection of evidence
• ensuring that any staff (or volunteers) who have caused harm are not in contact with
service users and others who may be at risk, for example, ‘whistle-blowers’
do not discuss the concern with the person alleged to have caused harm, unless the
immediate welfare of the adult at risk or other people makes this unavoidable
• if the person alleged to have caused harm is a member of staff and an immediate
decision is required to suspend them, the person has a right to know in broad terms
what allegations or concerns have been made about them. Care however should be
undertaken not to jeopardise any resulting police investigation or Formal Enquiry
• if the allegation involves agency staff, the agency should also be notified of the
safeguarding concern having been raised
• if the person alleged to have caused harm is another service user, action taken may
include removing them from contact with the adult at risk. In this situation,
arrangements must be put in place to ensure that the needs of the person alleged to
have caused harm are also met.

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