In the world we live in today there are so many people and we tend to categorize them

In the world we live in today there are so many people and we tend to categorize them. We categorize them based on skin color, their speech, what they wear, and their ethnic background. Some of these people are seen as inferior for just being who they are. Stereotypes also help influence the way we see each other. Factors such as language, gender, and culture relate to power and in our society men are seen more powerful than women.
Women in our society on how they speak are seen as weak. The way a woman speaks also reflects the view of women’s behavior. In the article, “His Politeness Is Her Powerlessness,” by Deborah Tannen, Tannen states, “If a linguistic strategy is used by woman, it is seen as powerless; if done by a man, it is seen as powerful.”(Deborah, 120) This shows that we have set certain norms and expectations within our society. These norms favor men over women vividly showing men are seen as more powerful in our society.
I don’t think women in our generation largely follow these cultural expectations as much as before. I believe such expectations are changing in our society which is excellent. Woman shouldn’t feel less powerful than a man because we are all born with the same rights. The Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”(US 1776) When it says men it shouldn’t be interpreted as just men, men means all humans, therefore, both women and men are created equal.

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