
Chavez, a hardworking man, sacrificed his and his family life , to put in place his knowledge that helped develop a better future for his “campesinos”. He put their lives in front of his and focused on their triumph. Cesar Chavez once said, “the end of all education should surely be service to others”.

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In my lifetime, I have had someone one to teach me the things I know right now. No one learns without a teacher, It takes a great mind to spark up another. As teachers took the time to spark our imaginations, we should have the courage to attempt to sparks another.

Most of my family does not have US citizenship, and because of their status they didn’t have access to many job opportunities. Causing them to settle for a low-paid, heavy labor jobs. Higher education is an invaluable tool that can open your mind as well as unleash the potential a person has to make change. Being a first-generation college student, college has been my family’s dream for me for as long as I can remember and it quickly became mine as well. My life is based upon obstacles and mistakes. I have strived towards my goals but none of them would have been met if I didn’t have my teacher’s right by my side. My parents, friends, and teachers educated me to be the person I am right now. Education isn’t necessarily the one you get at school, but it is about everything! The world educates me to be strong and my parents educated me to succeed. It would be selfish and inconsiderate of me to take all that knowledge and not put it into use. Education opens doors.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to see how people contribute to their success. I’ve had the privilege to be educated by outstanding teachers that lead me to my dreams. I want my words to create dreams and goals for others. At the end of all of my education, I want to serve others and help them find that path that my teachers, past experience opened for me. I believe that everyone is a great teacher and at the end of all that education, they should at least have the heart to serve others.