1977 was a transformative year in films

1977 was a transformative year in films, especially for the science fiction genre. It reinstituted
big Blockbusters with invigorating new takes on science fiction. However, science fiction films
before 1977 was once considered to be brainy art pieces or cheap kicks for kids but not anymore.
Nonetheless that year science fiction dominated the cinema like never before. Science fiction
also had a tremendous impact on how we view movies then and now. Since science fiction is
adaptive and changes with the times, it helps further explore social, political, and philosophical
issues. It also can be seen to fuse with other genres, giving it more depth and range. Science
fiction holds no boundaries, it’s free to go wherever it wants to. It doesn’t ask for permission and
it’s unapologetic in nature. It can be a form of progressivism. Science fiction is one of the
greatest genres out there. It allows oneself to get lost in the thought of what the world could or
might be. That year helped us to put beyond the old paradigm of science fiction with the help of
two movies: Star Wars IV- A New Hope and Close Encounter of The Third Kind. Not only did
these two films change how we view science fiction, it also helped revive the genre which it
desperately needed. Delving into the realm of 1977 science fiction movies we can all agree that
Star Wars IV- A New Hope was hands down the most influential film of all time. Despite it
being predicted to be unsuccessful and downright
awful, it surpassed everyone’s expectations and secured a place in time that will never be
forgotten . Although, technically Blockbuster films were already established by films like 2001:
Space Odessey and Jaws, Star Wars tear up a whole new one. Those two movies were big hits
however, A New Hope took it to the next level. It appealed not only to adults, it introduced a
family oriented film, which didn’t exist before. Not only did it create a very reliable world in
which Star Wars resemble our very own. It portrayed social, economic, political, and
philosophical issues that felt really real, matters that existed in our own reality. That gave it even
more popularity among audiences and fans themselves. Star Wars IV- A New Hope changed
everything. Star Wars not only pioneered special effect, it open the gateway to what we know
today. Tons of films now use ILM and Dykstraflex which started with Star Wars being at the
forefront. All the films now or rather after A New Hope, funneled their way down the tunnel
where this tech was available and haven’t turn back since. The sound effects was another
component that helped give way to innovative sounds never heard before. Ben Burtt help create a
new and unusual soundscapes. He used organic sounds (bears, walruses, slammed radio tower
cables, mixed reverberation with bazookas, and electronically-stretched elephant howl ) for the
entire movie ( Star Wars sound design, film sound.org ). Everything sounded different from each
other, that was really refreshing. Also, the aerodynamics of the spaceships and various craft were
developed beautifully. They moved like no other that was seen before ( Star Wars.com ). A New
Hope started playing around with its set design ( aesthetics ). It successfully destroyed the old
way science fiction films were looked at. Typically, everything seem to look brand new or
polished. Star Wars really knock it out of the ballpark, when space ships, ufos, droids etc etc,
were all pretty banged up ( star wars.com). Even the sets or places looked very realistically close
to the real world. It made it relatively easy to relate to. This method continues to be used in
todays filmmaking process. Star Wars not only paved the way in aesthetics, sound, and new
camera technology; it also reintroduced story telling of good and evil. It’s the oldest story out
there known to man and still is to this day. It resonates immensely with our culture and sentiment
since like forever. A piece of old time mythology was the missing link that prior to Star Wars
IV- A New Hope had long been forgotten. It helped resurface and capture the audiences
imagination and wonder again. Star Wars counterpart Close Encounter of the third Kind was
different. It established itself in a very plausible and genuine way that the viewers can relate to.
Although, the movie was downright strange, it was intended to be anything but normal, usual or
safe. Culturally, it appealed to humanity in a real way, where you see the family unit being
transformed from traditional and structured to chaotic and modern. It also conveys the lives of
ordinary people, to have mundane domestic lives, which everyone can relate to, which leads the
characters to unconventional life choices. Then there’s the instinctual or intuitive element which
are beyond comprehension. Close Encounter sets its footing on earth where we meet these
extraterrestrial beings rather than space or some far distant planet. These strange visitors
intentions are unclear and vague. Whereas older films were pretty straight forward and revealed
the plans of the alien visitors straight away. Close Encounter of the third Kind revolutionized
communication between humans and theses faceless travelers. The film used music ( a form of
mathematical expression) to interact with them and vice- verse. It even hinted about abduction
throughout the whole film where people were being taken and returned for unknown reasons. As
messy as the film was, it helped transform later movies to come. Both films, Star Wars IV- A
New Hope and Close Encounter of the Third Kind helped influenced future generations of
filmmaking. First, it gave respect back to an entire genre that pre- Star wars was treated with
contempt. Science fiction movies were usually considered B movies with inexpensive budgets
that major talent and general studio support fell short. Even the awards wouldn’t have them,
that’s how bad it was. However, Star Wars changed the game, receiving 10 nominations and
collected six with a special achievement award. It opened the doors for movies like E.T., Avatar,
and The Martian to
be received into award arenas. Science fiction was finally being taken seriously. Another
component was casting. More and more prominent actors were being draw to star in science
fiction films like never before. Today, we live in a time where it makes complete utter sense for
movies like Blade Runner 2049, turn to talented actors like Ryan Gosling and Jared Leto or
Charlize Theron and Michael Fassbender in Prometheus. Star wars created a huge merchandizing
empire that had not been seen before. It exploded onto the scene leaving a dust trail behind, Star
wars mania had begun. People found themselves so emerged in Star Wars products like t-shirts,
coffee mugs, action figures, posters, videogames etc..etc. It smolder our culture and we enjoyed
it. The film showed how the tie-in could be as valuable as the actual picture. Disney, Marvel,
Harry Potter are Examples. It also illustrated how the film actually affected our lives, where
people wanted every minute of their life to be surrounded by its aura. Star wars popularized
sequel or trilogies like never before. It showed beyond a doubt that fans would embrace entire
worlds. Moviegoers seem to connect and not forget all the characters whether long lived or short
lived, displaying true fandom. The Marvel Universe is a good example. The movie industry now
is very different from 1977; but these two films came out at a time when storytelling mattered. It
was a time where sequels were not yet obsessed in the film industry and filmmakers still wanted
to do something compelling and interesting. George Lucas and Steven Spielberg plunged cinema
into an new era. They understood movies and still do. Whatever opinion you hold on today’s
cinema, we owe homage to these pioneering movie makers.

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Work Cited
Brooks, Dan. Star Wars.com. 2017. Web. 22 Sept 2017.http://www. starwars.com/news/5-
ways-star-wars-a-new-hope-changed-everything. Carlsson, E Sven. Filmsound.org. n.d. Web. 22
Sept 2017. http://www.sound design star wars.