The certain issue inherent in quantitative research require attention such as getting permission to conduct research

The certain issue inherent in quantitative research require attention such as getting permission to conduct research. Prior to data collection, Mudassar Nazir, Shahid Bashir and Zahid Bashir Raja’s study is approved by Principal Raja Naveed Satti (National College). According to the British Educational Research Association (BERA), it considers that educational researchers should operate within an ethic of respect for any persons involved in the research they are undertaking.
A first, the OPT was administrated to 50 participants to assure the homogeneity. Before the treatment, the pre-test which twelve questions was given at the first session of the course by the researchers to measure the entry behavior of the learners. In this qusi-experimental study, the collected data from questions were compared by using SPSS (statistical package for social science) software version 18. This study used an independent sample t-test to compare the effect of how to give remedies in order to lower the level of anxiety? By doing so, they increase validity and reliability of the findings of the study.

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