
“Remember, comrades, your resolution must never falter” the well-known quote created by Orwell m is a quote, along with many others, that relate to a speech by Vladimir lenin. A good example they are similar is the had the same common goal- revolution. Their theory was to create and a society where everyone is equal and a utopian world to improve the workers situation. Furthermore, they both pointed out that the working class was doing all the work while the elite class still ruled. They also both use persuasive language to convince them into revolution. He manipulates the animals (and the workers) emotions by telling them their current lives. In order to convince them even more, they both try to make a feeling of friendliness to show that the are friends (comrades) and that they are a family. Moreover, Old Major and and Lenin both use emotive words, such as “freedom” and “save.” Another way they are similar is that they both us pronouns. They never let the animals (and the workers) think that he is not one of them by using “I” and “we” to show that they are all equal. Additionally, by using pronouns it is directly aimed toward the animals and the workers so they would listen and engage more. Lenin and old major both use a variety of techniques to make their speech more effective and powerful.

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