Peyton Bailey Ms

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02 May 2018

Robin Hood The Legendary Outlaw

Robin Hood is a legendary outlaw and steals the rich from the poor. A quote said from Robin “At the end of the day, I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. If that makes me an outlaw so be it. I’ve been called worse.” Robin Hood has a brother and a father and also was adopted by his uncle. Robin is a good person to some although some might not think that.

Robin Hood was born at Sherwood forest 1160 and grew up with only 1 sibling. Robin’s mother died and his father gave him to his uncle to take care of him. His brother was Little John who was an outlaw and Robin’s chief lieutenant and second-in-command of the Merry Man. Robin married a woman named Marian. Robin wealthy but not very rich.(“James Primary Facts and Info Pg. 1”)

Robin is famous for dressing in green, being a skillful archer, and stealing from the rich to give to the poor and also his band of Merry Man. Robin killed 12 people and wanted to be a knight or an outlaw. Robin Hood killed Sir Guy the one he persuaded. The biggest struggle in life was fighting people and trying to steal the rich to give to the poor. (“Tejvan Biography Online Pg. 2″)

Robin Hood was more important before because everyone remembered him being nice and giving the rich to the poor. Some people loved him although some did not some thought he was a myth some did not. People thought it was good since he was an archer he was buried below his last arrow he shot before he died. (” Gale Research in Context Pg. 1;2″)

Robin is a good person he gets money from the rich and gives it to the poor which makes him a thief but giving it to the poor and fighting for them that’s nice. He’s been called names because he steals from the rich. The rich people hate him for stealing although the poor people love him for giving them food and money. Some loves him for what he did although some hated what he did. Robin is a hero to some but not to others.