LDSSMP1 – Support Children and Young People to Achieve their Education Potential
Explain the principles and values that underpins work to support children and young people to achieve their educational potential
1. Good school environment
2. Follow the correct polices
3. The children and young people should be supported when they need additional help, they should be given achievable targets and constructive feedback should be to them about their work and efforts.
4. The children and young people should be allowed to have choice when it is appropriate.
5. The Every Child Matters five steps must be followed (being healthy, staying safe, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and achieving economic well- being)
6. The children and young people safeguarding is paramount
7. Information about the children and young people should be kept confidential
8. The right amount of staff for the class ratio.
9. Good family support and guidance.
10. Good behaviour should be boosted by rewarding their effort
11. The children and young people views should be respected.
Explain current legislation and guidance relating to the provision of and access to educational opportunities for children and young people
The children act 1989 states that children’s welfare is paramount, the authority should take into account the child’s wishes; physical, emotional and educational needs; age; sex; background circumstances, they should ensure children are safeguarded and their welfare is promoted.
Children’s act 2004 Every Child Matters Children Every child should be kept safe and healthy they should also be able to achieve an education
The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 this act establishes legal rights for disabled, its ensures that disabled students are not discriminated against in education, training and any services. It is against the law to treat a student “less favourably” for reasons due to disability.
Equality act 2010 children and young people have access to some form of education, regardless of their race, sexual orientation and disability
United convention on the rights of the child (UNCRC) Is human rights what a child should have it includes 42 rights the 5 main ones are: right to be healthy, right to be educated, right to be treated fairly, right to be heard and right not to be hurt .
Human rights 1998 and Race relations act 1976/2000 ensure individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favourably, specific to their needs, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age, its unlawful to treat a person less favourably than another on racial grounds
Education and inspections act 2006 this act states that all children must get the education they need to their full ability.