GMGT Movie Review “Roger

GMGT Movie Review “Roger & I”
The movie “Roger and Me” tried to show the free enterprise system of United States. Moore illustrates the negative impact on economy when GM shutdown its auto plant in Flint that shocked the whole city. It is very sad when company lay-off thousands of people and offers those jobs to other country, just for its own benefit. They illustrated that how corporations like GM made a lot of money and then moved to Mexico for cheap labor. Michael Moore effectively highlighted the pain caused by relocating factories or outsourcing jobs. The movie is a great teaching tool for issues related to globalization, the impact of layoffs, role of big business, automobile industry, competition, top management decision-making, business leadership, public policy, and many others. After the shutdown of GM plants in Flint, the unemployment rate went u dramatically which was unprecedented in US history and because of that social issues such as drug abuse, crime rates, homelessness and poverty rates have increased that left the city of Flint in both economic and social shambles. Flint was known as the auto making capital of the world and now it is known as the worst city to live instead.
People of Flint, Michigan were probably not considered when the decision was made to close a plant, however, the downfall of Flint into crime, poverty, and unemployment cannot be blamed solely on one corporation.Poor economic development and poor city planning are equally responsible for the situation. It must be devastating for a community to be torn apart by a single company moving its operations. The decision Roger made is not an easy one and anyone in his shoes would have made the same decision at the time. When looking at the cost of doing business in Michigan versus another place with cheaper labor, and the impending competition with foreign auto manufacturers, GM had to move its operations to stay in business. From the business perspective, GM is looking to outsourcing to help it remain competitive in today’s market. It is making its decision based upon a business decision and looking at what would be best to keep the company functioning. The city went downhill because people did not take responsibility and find new jobs, instead they played victim and expected GM to carry them. the lack of corrective action by the people, not the city, is also part of the problem.
Little children being evicted and thrown out on the street.
It is just a fact that executives like Roger Smith are forced to make decisions that are in the best interest of the company and the shareholders.

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