Gekko’s speech would fit in with Nietzsche’s philosophy as it was driven by a desire to see human kind moving to higher and higher states of being and he would agree with Gekko’s views about greed

Gekko’s speech would fit in with Nietzsche’s philosophy as it was driven by a desire to see human kind moving to higher and higher states of being and he would agree with Gekko’s views about greed.

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Gekko’s view about greed would resonate Ayn Rand’s philosophy as she believes that self-interest was morally good. She has suggested an objective moral codes based on her three central virtue of Rationality, Productiveness and Pride and these virtue centre on selfishness and greed.

According to Robert Nozich, distributive justice is a matter of setting down rules that individual should follow in acquiring and transferring resources and benefits. The aim of distributive justice is not to achieve any particular outcome of distribution but rather to ensure a fair process of exchange.