During the medieval ages

During the medieval ages, most people approached life from a spiritual sense for example, “this is God’s will”. Then a few philosophers and scientists (including Galileo) began approaching life from a humanist sense for example, “I have free will”. Artists followed these philosophers and scientists, leading to a huge cultural explosion – the Renaissance. The Renaissance was definitely a first step towards a revolution in religion. There is no doubt that the political circumstances at the beginning of the 16th Century had much to do with the fact that the Reformation succeeded at all, also explaining why it failed in other places.Although it is true that the Catholic Church was in desperate need of reform, it was not entirely necessary for the reform to cause a split in the Church. The split in Germany was possibly due largely to the political situation where the various princes had been fighting the Emperor for many centuries. Once Luther had made his break, however, it was seen that reform was possible.Yet the reformists did not have a smooth passage. There was civil war in Germany, repression in Switzerland, social turmoil in France, persecution in England and the Inquisition in Spain and Italy. The Reformation therefore proved to be a blood-thirsty period and the reform of Christianity was accompanied by anything but brotherly love and a spirit of forgiveness. The reformation into the Scientific Revolution i feel that both have had a equal influence on the religious nature of Europe

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