?Summarise the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behavior
The policies in my setting that relate to promoting positive behavior are the anti-bullying policy and positive behavior policy
Anti-bullying – this policy outlines what my setting will do to prevent bullying. The whole school community will be involved with the making of this policy and to help prevent bullying. This policy ensures that all pupils feel safe to learn and follow the policy. The school has a responsibility to deal with issues of bullying in the school towards pupils, students or parents.

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Positive behavior – the main aim of this policy is to encourage self-discipline and develop the pupil’s ability to express their feelings in an acceptable way. To encourage positive behavior there should be rewards like house points, stickers, star of the week which will be announced in front of everyone in assembly or in front of their class or in celebration assembly where children and teachers can celebrate other children’s achievements.
Evaluate how the policies and procedures of the setting support children and young people to
Feel safe The children are the school’s main priority. My setting strives to make the school a safe and happy environment. The safeguarding and anti-bullying policies makes sure there are procedures in place to protect the children and keep them safe.

Make a positive contribution When you acknowledge and praise children for their good positive behavior (this can be done by giving them house points, stickers, etc.) this positive behavior policy let us know how we can support a positive mindset
Develop social and emotional skills In my setting there was a behavior policy which allows children to develop their social and emotional skills. They do this by becoming more aware of their behavior and what is acceptable and what isn’t.
Understand expectations and limits Behavior and code of conduct policy would help children understand the expectations and limits. These policies help children know what is expected of them and helps them come into a routine of behavior. These policies should have rules for both children and staff on how they should behave.

Explain the benefits of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people’s behaviors in accordance with the policies and procedures of the setting
When staff consistently and fairly apply boundaries and rules it allows the children to know what behavior is acceptable. if a teacher isn’t consistently applying rules and boundaries children may not understand how to behave and may not know if their behavior will get them told off or not. If a child is behaving inappropriately then teachers should make sure they treat their behavior the same as all of the other children otherwise people may think you are being unfair. If you are consistent with the children they may start to realise they can get away with their unacceptable behavior. When children misbehave it also affects the other children in the class because when they show unacceptable behavior they disrupt the staff from teaching and other children from learning. Teachers should set rules in the first week of their new class so the children know from the start how to behave and the boundaries.
Explain the benefits of actively promoting positive aspects of behavior
Promoting positive behavior is important for all the children. It helps create a welcoming learning environment. When teachers praise a child’s good behavior the child is most likely to repeat it. You can praise good behavior by doing stickers or using the traffic light system and putting them on gold. Also, when children are encouraged with their positive behavior they are more likely to be positive with other children like taking turns and also concentrating better on their work. Most children like their good behavior to be notice when teachers notice it, it can build the child’s confidence and their self-esteem.
Explain the sorts of behavior or discipline problems that should be referred to others and to whom these should be referred
Sometimes children will behave inappropriately to get attention, teachers should usually just ignore this, sometimes teachers can’t if the child is putting themselves in danger to themselves or others, if the incident is serious where the child is not listening to any of the teacher’s instructions, also if a child has to be removed from the class, that is when a teacher needs to involve a higher member of staff like SENCO, who should be the first person you go to support, headteacher if you have any concerns. or another class teacher who have dealt with this before or who are more confident with dealing with the situation. You may need to involve someone outside of the school depending on the situation, this could be either a behavior unit who can offer support on how to deal with children who have behavior problems or an education psychologist that can come into the school to offer support and advice.