With the introduction of apartheid in South Africa came the struggle against it

With the introduction of apartheid in South Africa came the struggle against it. In this project I will explain the effects the implementation of apartheid had on ordinary South Africans.
After the implementation, their lives got worse and worse. On paper apartheid appeared to call for equal development and freedom of cultural expression, but in real life it had laws that forced different racial groups to live separately, stop all inter-marriage, had lost charge of their lives, their movement were restricted and how their rights were taken away. More than this, apartheid was a social system which severely disadvantaged the majority of the population, simply because they did not share the skin colour of the rulers.
I will also explain the reason behind the implementation. The motive behind Apartheid seemed to have been many different things at different times, and different rules for different people. Motives behind instigating Apartheid was a mixture of several reasons.
I am also going to focus on selected Apartheid laws such as Population registration, Bantu Education act and Group areas act to highlight the implications. But before we can look at the history of apartheid we first have to understand what it is.

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