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Kaleena Waldo
Leah Patterson
ENGL 1113 31
16 APRIL 2018
Exploring GMO’s and Other Advanced Technologies
Van Acker, Rene, Motior Rahman, and S. Zahra H. Cici. “Pros and Cons of GMO Crop
Farming.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science . 2017 -10 -26.
Oxford University Press. Date of access 21 Apr. 2018,
Explores contradictory evidence regarding the impact of genetically modified
crops. Offering insight to recent developments and prospects of pesticide
treatments in transgenic crop farming. Review of agro nomic, environmental, and
socio -economic impacts.
This article also discussed advantages and disadvantages of the adoption of GM
(genetically modified) crop production, as well as provides information regarding
herbicide tolerant (HT) crops. Brookes and B arfoot suggested that the reduction in
fuel usage because of the GM crop cultivation results in a carbon dioxide
emissions savings.
This was informative to those who deal with agriculture crop production by
giving readers some basic knowledge of the intro duction of GM seed into
agriculture, as well as other advanced treatments and the impact they may have in
this industy.
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Gardner, Bruce. “US Agriculture in the Twentieth Centry.” doi.org.Np., n.d. Web, 21
Apr. 2018. .
Gardner offers an in -depth look into twentieth century agriculture. He explores
the basic facts and how they are viewed in two very distinct ways.
While one side may see farm sectors as troubled environment, claiming farmers
continue to face hardships and struggle to survive the economy with the numbers
continuing to decrease. The other side having a pessimistic outlook. This side sees
the growing trends as being unwelcomed, environmentally suspect methods in
farm production, exploitation of f arm laborers, farm wealth continuing to generate
on a select few large farms with those farms receiving billions of tax dollars from
the general public.
Provided a brief summary on prospective outlooks of many in regards the
agriculture industry in the twentieth century as well as the opinions of some on
the potential effects we may encounter while the agriculture industry continues to
see growing trends and change.
Johnson, David, and Siobhan O'Connor. “Genetically Mod ified Foods: What Is Grown
and Eaten in the U.S .” Time , 30 Apr. 2015, time.com/3840073/gmo -food -charts/.
Johnson and O’Connor provide information on genetically modified foods and
crops that are FDA approved for consumption in the United States. Addressin g
that the U.S Government fails to require ingredient labels to specify the use of
GMO’s (genetically modified organisms).
The authors offer information regarding genetically produced crops currently
approved through the FDA for consumption in the United States. Bringing
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information to the public regarding FDA approved GM foods currently consumed
in the United States.
Johnson and O’Conner accomplish the goal of giving the public legit information
regarding some FDA regulations or lack of enforcements for those producing
some of the GM foods commonly consumed, even if the consumers are unaware.
Mayer, Amy. “Seeds, Pesticides, Fertilizer: How Big Companies Harnessed The 'Holy
Trinity' Of Modern Agriculture.” Harvest Public Media, 31 Oct. 2016,
harvestpubli cmedia.org/post/seeds -pesticides -fertilizer -how -big -companies –
harnessedholy -trinity -modern -agriculture.
In Mayer’s 2016 article she announces plans of the agriculture industry leaders to
merge. In hopes of providing a clear understanding of what these com panies
combining may mean for agriculture in the future. Mayer discusses changes that
occurred over the years within agribusiness.
Discussing major events such as pharmaceutical and oil companies joining the
industry in the 1960’s and the introduction of genetically modified foods in the
Mayer successfully announces the 2016 plans of the industry leaders to merge and
join forces. Including combing advanced technologies reached through extensive
research to continue making advances to the industy.
Zappa, Michell. “15 Emerging Agriculture Technologies That Will Change the World."
Business Insider , 5 May 2014, www.businessinsider.com/15 – emerging –
agriculture -technologies -2014 -4.
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Looking at new technology making its way into the rapidly growing fiel d of
agriculture, Zappa discusses fifteen technologies that will bring major changes to
the industry across the world. The list contained technical tools like air and soil
sensors, livestock biometrics, crop sensors, infrastructural health sensors and
equi pment telematics. In terms of food technology Zappa discusses in -vitro meats
and new foods genetically created.
In addition to the previously listed, Zappa uses this article for presenting other
technologies like precision agriculture equipment, and swarm s of sensor robots
for crop monitoring. Providing insight on new creative concepts like vertical
farming, closed ecosystems, and synthetic biological systems.
Discussing these intriguing advancements and providing information on what the
future may have i n store for those in agriculture, giving many in this industry a
slight glimpse into the future of farming.
Henke, Jodi. “Plant Breeding Evolution.” Successful Farming, 22 Jan. 2018,
www.agriculture.com/podcast/successful -farming -radio -podcast/plant –
bree dingevolution.
The growing evolution of plant breeding continues as researchers map out various
genomes in different plants. This gives researchers information on the bred crops,
such as size and potential resistance depending on the variety of crop.
Alt hough the precision of crop breeding continues to improve, it takes around ten
years before the concept of a newly introduced crop is available to the farmers.
Even with new experiments and various crop testing continuing daily, the actual
results are not as quick as the familiar “farm to table” concept in this industry.
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The plants we see farmers successfully breeding today have been through various
studies and years of testing. We may not see new strains popping up on the local
farm just yet, but Henke let s readers know that with time, we can expect even
more advances in this crop breeding trend.
Greene, Catherine, et al. “Economic Issues in the Coexistence of Organic, Genetically
Engineered (GE), and Non -GE Crops.” Economics Research Services (US), Feb .
2016, www.ers.usda.gov/webdocs/publications/44041/56750_eib –
Provides detailed information on studies performed to give analysis on both
organic, non -GE (genetically engineered) seed, and GE seed production and
Among millions of crop producing acres in the United States, These studies
suggest almost half were planted with GE seed. The remaining farm lands were
those planted with non -GE crops and those certified for organic crop growth.
This article was efficient at addressing that those who farmed non -GE and organic
seeds were presented with challenges. For example, the task of preventing corn
and soybean seeds from cross pollination with GE seeds and pesticides drifting, to
protect price premiums.
“Ag 101.” US Enviromental P rotection Agency: Agriculture 101 ,
https://www.epa.gov/agriculture/agriculture -ag -101 .
The EPA (Enviromental Protection Agency) Agriculture 101 offers a detailed
overview of American agriculture including crop production. Gives insight on the
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United States major produced crops, as well as information on cultivation and
production systems used in the industry.
Outlining important steps of crop production, preparation of s oil, planting,
chemical conditioning, managing nutrients and controlling pest as well a s
irrigation, drainage systems, harvesting and storing crops.
This detailed informative guide supplies readers with numerous amounts of useful
information and knowledge pertaining to agriculture. It successfully supplies
more than just brief important inf ormation from soil prepping to harvesting and
everything inbetween.
Fraley, Dr. Robert T. “Coming soon: Better More Sustainable and Integrated Innovations
for the Farm.” Monsanto ,
ant o.com/innovation/researchdevelopment/articles/farminnovations/.
Fraley discusses Monsanto’s advancing data applications every day to help
farmers better understand their field conditions soil conditions, nitrogen, water
and potential disease or pest impacts and act on this information at every stage of
every growing season.
Combining seed that can help farmers protect their harvests in water limited
conditions with data insights that help farmers better understand their field
conditions, Monsanto can reduce the amount of fresh water needed to sustain
When addressing the facts that farmers need integrated tools that deliver results
today and protect the sustainability of their operation for the future, because the
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challenges they face are not go ing away, it was a job well done for author Fraley
in this article.
Begeman, Sonja. “Seed Competition Heats Up.” Agweb -The Home Page of Agriculture.
24 July 2015. Web. 21 Apr. 2018
Information regarding market share battles as they continue , Monsanto pursues
Syngenta . The yearly battles for your seed business have been fierce for the past
decade as consolidation and biotech fueled DuPont Pioneer’s and Monsanto
Company’s dominance in market share. As a result, companies with a high market
sha re in regions experiencing significant acreage shifts could realize more loss
than companies with a lower share.
In 2014, DuPont Pioneer and Monsanto continued to dominate, accounting for
70% of the corn seed business and 60% of the soybean seed business.
Begeman touches the tip of the ice -burg when he describes how the competition
in the seed industry continues to heat up. This is only the beginning as these well –
known industry leaders have some of the most knowledgeable and dedicated
members on their tea ms, who without question are pushing even harder and will
surely continue to dominate when it comes to the seed industry.