The past two centuries have seen enormous achievements in control of infectious diseases

The past two centuries have seen enormous achievements in control of infectious diseases, previously the leading cause of death, in large measure due to sanitation and food safety, vaccines, antibiotics and improved nutrition. This has led to putting their faith in the notion that medical science would succeed in overcoming the remaining obstacles. Research and acquisition of new knowledge, risk communication, application of currently available means and fair distribution will be great challenges to public health in the coming decades.Environmental technologies cover the application of innovation to reduce the impacts of human involvement on the environment. Environmental technologies represents sustainable energy generation technologies such as photovoltaics, wind turbines, bioreactors , biofuels, hydro-electric and geothermal energy.
Standards for environmental technologies are currently available or under consideration for:
• New technologies and innovation, including renewable energy technologies, carbon capture and storage, fuel cells and electrical energy storage
• Sustainable transport and logistics, including safety aspects, fuel specifications and electric vehicles
According to the Global Change Program, urban congestion negatively affects the ecosystem of animals, causes air and water pollution and damages natural resources. Environmental hazards of urban congestion affect households, neighborhoods, workplaces, slums and cities. Increasing congestion on urban roads represents a serious threat to the economic growth, live ability of our city regions and progress. Investing in public transport, cycling and walking help to take cars off the road, keeping our cities moving and growing sustainably. The most effective way to decrease urban congestion is to use clever engineering and new technology to design the roads correctly in order for bearing overload.

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