Health and safety is monitored and maintained in a variety of ways within the setting

Health and safety is monitored and maintained in a variety of ways within the setting, there is a Healthy and Safety policy, which is shared with all staff which outlines the main areas. Staff training is kept up to date.

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Risk assessments are carried out regularly including a daily check of the environment which is being used whether it be the classroom, the dining hall the playground or the toilet and a full risk assessment of tools, equipment and the environment is carried out termly.
By checking for any potential risks and the liklehood of anything happening we are monitoring the situation.The setting manager is responsible for health and safety and any risks identified should be directed to her, she will then decide the best process to rectify them.
Regular staff meetings are held where any issues can be raised and a member of staff is present at Hall meetings where any issues covered by the owners of the hall can be addressed. Children, parents staff and visitors are made aware of any issues concerning health and safety to help minimise any risks and to ensure children are able to thrive in a healthy environment.