‘Destroying Avalon’ follows the dramatic life of a fourteen-year-old girl named Avalon Maloney who moved from a small rural town called Grace Point to the coastal suburbs of Sorrento in Perth. Before transferring from her country town to this urban city, she quotes “Being fourteen is hard, but it’s even harder when your parents uproot you from a cosy little country town to a huge urban high school.” Stating that she was never eager to move.Her new school is huge compared to her small country school and she soon learns the schoolyard politics and the grouping systems of the new environment, such as the A group (the bitches) all the way down to the Z group (queers and weirdo’s). Group A consisted of Alice and her friends, Group B had Mitchell, Jeremy, Chris and Tyson, and Group Z was Avalon and her friends. People being labelled in groups is so inhumane. This book takes us on a journey on how a simple act of cruelty can be taken to a whole new level.