
Causes (factors+process) Impacts
(evidence+outcome) Measures Evaluation
Burning of fossil fuels (anthropogenic activities)–increase in greenhouse gas emission–warms up the atmosphere–melting of glaciers & expansion of water Sea level rise. Sea level risen by about 90cm from 1900 to 2010.

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Eg.Mumbai, India is prone to frequent flooding Floating neighbourhoods is also a solution to the problem of rising sea level .Eg. A country like Netherlands where two-thirds of the population lives below sea level. Floating Houses in IJburg, Amsterdam are built on four artificial islands that are connected to each other. It currently has around 21,000 inhabitants and the housing estate is completely built, it will offer 18,000 homes for 45,000 people.

Deforestation or pollution(anthropogenic activities)–disrupts ecosystem Loss or extinction of species of animals and plants
Eg. Extinction of coral reefs could affect our food chain particularly seafood. In Singapore, a company called Marine Life Aquaculture set up a fish farm in Pulau Ketam in 2009. Fishes in the farm are vaccinated and live in a controlled environment to protect them against diseases caused by bacteria such as Tenacibaculum maritimum. Threadfin fishes are very fragile, and the survival rate is usually 10-20% but the fish farm managed increase the survival rate to 70%.

Enhanced global warming due to large amount of greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere–higher average annual global temperature Water shortage In Singapore, the first NEWater reclamation plant was completed in January 2003.
NEWater refers to the high-grade reclaimed water that has been purified with advanced membrane and ultraviolet technologies. Having passed more than 150,000 scientific tests and satisfying the World Health Organisation’s requirements for safe drinking water, NEWater is said to be “ultra-clean and safe to drink”. Presently, Singapore’s five NEWater plants can meet up to 40% of the nation’s current water needs. By 2060, NEWater is expected to meet up to 55% of Singapore’s future water demand.

Burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity to power houses, industries.

Deforestation to clear land for housing, agriculture purposes. OR to clear land to produce papers.

More factories emitting large amount of greenhouse gases to produce goods for mostly for people living in the developed countries. As they have higher purchasing power so potential profit per unit of good is higher so producers are more willing and able to sell the goods to them.