According to

According to (Dorward, 2009) there is minimal effort in improving programs efficiency and effectiveness as evidenced by less monitoring and evaluation activities, limited use of fiscal efficiency and cost benefit analysis and reduced attention to possible problems of leakage and displacement. (Kamau & Mohamed, 2015) further revealed that projects fail despite heavy presence of monitoring and evaluation activities and on the other hand other project achieve high success due to proper monitoring and evaluation, which causes paradox. In Kenya, there are many projects that have been termed as a successful for example self-reliant agriculture (SRA) project which main aim was to help beneficiaries become self-reliant by growing their own crops and keeping animals through trainings and showing farmers how to use their land in mnyenzeni was viewed as success(Ward, 2010). Similarly there are records of failed projects in kenya for instance, Modambogo Health Center in rain water harvesting Mwatate, Tumaini Women Self Help group project in Kisumu and the Lake Turkana fish processing plant project are some of the projects (Kamau & Mohamed, 2015).

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