1. First, weigh an approximately 3-4 cm long magnesium ribbon to the nearest 0.001g.
2. Utilize a small funnel to pour 25 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid into the burette. Then, pour 25 cm3 of water into the burette. Avoid mixing the two liquids together. There should be at least a 5 cm gap between the liquid and the top of the burette.
3. Then, push the magnesium ribbon into the open end of the burette.
4. Push the strip in the middle. This is so that the springiness of the strip holds it in place against the glass. Do not enable it to come in contact with the liquid.
5. After, add approximately 50 cm3 of water to a 250 cm3 beaker.
6. Lie the top of the burette carefully on the lip of the beaker. Then, quickly turn the burette upside-down and lower the end under the water in the beaker. If this is done effectively, then there should be little or no liquid lost.
7. Clamp shut the burette vertically in an upside-down position.
8. Afterwards, confirm that the liquid level in the burette is on the scale. If it is not, then open the tap immediately to enable the level to drop on the scale.
9. Record the burette reading of the liquid level.
10. Whilst the acid diffuses downwards, the metal begins to react. Let the metal react completely.
11. When the liquid level has stopped changing and there are no more gas bubbles forming, use the final burette reading and record the result.
12. Finally, repeat steps 1-12 again to collect more results so that an average can be calculated.

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