The accused has the right to remain silent at any point from arrest through trial, and that nothing can be inferred from a defendant’s silence.
The accused has the right not to incriminate himself or herself.
The accused is entitled to receive a copy of all evidence in the possession of the prosecution, but the defense does not have to reciprocate by providing its evidence to the prosecution.
A criminal defendant always has the right to legal counsel even if he or she cannot pay for it.
Certain statements made by the defendant and certain evidence obtained by the police may be barred at trial based on procedural requirements.
Any evidence, even if true, will not be admissible at trial if it could have a prejudicial effect on the jury.
Police officers must be held to the highest ethical standards. They must report every event with complete accuracy and honesty.
Police have broad discretion to make decisions about how to act in a given situation. Their decision to act or not to act cannot be based on any form of prejudice.
According to Packer’s paper, the features of the crime control model suggest that the repression of crime is the most important function of the criminal justice system. The rationale is that social order is a necessary condition for a society to function properly and effectively. The key tenets of the crime control model are that:
Criminal justice should focus on victims and on victims’ rights rather than on protecting defendants’ rights.