Gas Price

Gas Price

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Why Are Gas Prices So High

Have you ever wondered why the gas prices around the Miami Valley and the nation so high Do you guess it is just the gas companies? way of making lots of money How much does of a roll does the government plan in the prices I am here to answer some of these if not all of these questions.

One of the main reasons that gas prices are so high is because of the cost of the crude oil. Crude oil cost is the price paid for a barrel of crude oil on the international market divided by 42 gallons in a barrel. This will give the price of crude per each gallon of gasoline. This is often the most volatile price of the fuel. Crude is trade as a commodity, and as the price goes up, prices for gasoline can change very quickly. When prices for crude come down, the price for gasoline also comes down — but very slowly. This is typical for most commodities.

For every one dollar increase of the cost of a barrel of crude oil, there is an increase

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