What Is Economics

What Is Economics

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Economics is simply the study of choice. More precisely, economics is the studyof how individuals and society choose to use limited resources in an effort to satisfypeople?s unlimited wants.1 There are different kinds of economies like capitalist conomies, market economies and socialist economies. America?s economy is mainly a combination of a capitalist economy and a market economy. In dealing with a market economy, its every man for himself. This is what makes America so great: Freedom.

Some of the characteristics of the American economy are private ownership, the price system, competition, monopoly and government intervention. A few of the major downsides of the American economy are inflation and unemployment.

Before anymore is said about the American economy, I will elaborate more on what economics really is. Economics asks what goods are produced, how these goods are produced, and for whom they are produced. It analyzes movements in the overall
economy. It also is the study of commerce among nations and is the science of choice, explaining how people choose to use scarce or limited productive resources. And, finally, economics is the study of

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