Computer Myths

Computer Myths

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Langdon Winner wrote ?Mthinformation: Romantic Politics in the Computer revolution? in 1984, many years before the millions who own personal computers and widespread use of the Internet. In this essay, Winner is trying to convey the message that computers will not ?produce a better world?. Winner stated that ?current dreams of a ?computer age? stand out as exaggerated and unrealistic?, which in my opinion, is a false statement and proves that Winner is a bad prophet. Winner does not believe in all the myths computer scientists and journalists say (in fact, some of the myths came true), so Winner feels it is his duty to inform the public about the lies and negative aspects of computers. Although Winner has some validity to his statements, I believe he underestimated the functional use of computers.
The computer does not play a major role at my site, Pawtucket House. In my estimation, most of the five computers in the house are for office use and the remaining two are for the children to play

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