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How did Saturn become a strong brand in only a few years What were the key decisions, policies, and programs Below is a description of some areas of strategy that were potential contributors. The goal is not only to describe what was done but also to suggest the logic behind the strategies, why they were pursued, and how they were intended to contribute to the brand. Although certainly some elements of the Saturn strategy may have been critical, it was the union of the total program rather than the power of any single element that led to its success.

From the beginning, the driving concept behind Saturn was to create a world-class compact car that could match or exceed such Japanese imports as the Honda Civic and the Toyota Corolla in quality. The car needed to have the reliability, safety, feel, appearance, and overall excellence that people expected in the top imports while remaining competitive in price. This quality was one of the defining dimensions of Saturns corporate culture and brand identity.
Too often there is an illusion that brands can be created by advertising without a product or service that really delivers quality and

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