Plastics Industry
In the course of the module on the business environment in Europe, we are writing this report to give the reader more detailed background information on the plastics industry. Our goal is to demonstrate the competitiveness of the plastics industry and of plastics as a material.
Discussing various topics ultimately compiled in a STEEP analysis, we intend to develop our goal and provide the reader with a better understanding of the plastic industry. We will illustrate how the market is structured by helping the reader develop a feeling for the functioning of the micro- and macroeconomics of the industry and how trade between the triad regions is organized. By means of the SWOT analysis we take a closer look at the competitiveness of plastics as a material. The reader will also be informed about the industry?s contribution to sustainable development including environmental protection, economic development and social progress and how plastics can be used and reused innovatively.
Finally, we want the reader to discover things he has not known and/or expected before and gain knowledge which is of relevance for him personally and in a business context.
1. The Industry
Market Structure
The European manufacturing industry is an important sector of the chemical
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