War On Drugs

War On Drugs

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The War on Drugs
For years the ?War on Drugs? has been one of America?s greatest follies. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent to enforce drug laws on Americans with no great change in use. This is the wrong way to handle such a problem.
Let?s compare drugs to roaches. You cannot possibly exterminate all of the roaches in your house by stomping on every roach that you see. Some roaches never come out in the light and some are eggs yet to hatch, these pests will never be caught even with the most watchful eye. You need to get an exterminator to come and spray the house and probably the outside of the house too, to keep them from coming back. To stop heroin and cocaine from being used in America, we must first eliminate its source.
The ?War on Drugs? is not a war against Americans, it?s a war against drugs. The problem is that some Americans use drugs. How can we stop this
There needs to be a multi-national policy instilled to control the production of drug crops. If you leave cookies on the counter over night you?re going to

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