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My hand shook violently as I fumbled with my keys. I tried to quiet the jingling, tried to unlock the door quickly without making much noise, tried to get inside before he caught up with me. I turned the knob and rushed through the door, locking it with a click behind me. My heart pounded in my ears as I shoved my back against the closed wooden door and shut my eyes. I held my breath as the footsteps echoed down the hallway. I prayed silently as they drew nearer, hoping they would walk past the door and keep going. I heard the sound of another set of shoes, and then the flick of a switchblade being released. I waited for the sound of tearing flesh but none came. Instead, the second pair of feet walked off in the other direction, the person seemingly unharmed.
My fingers tightened around the straps Id been gripping as I waited for the sound of the blade being sheathed once more. The footsteps again began to move closer to the door, slowing down steadily. I nearly gave myself away when I felt something press against my lower leg, but I stifled the scream just

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