Find A Bit Of Solace

Find A Bit Of Solace

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Find a bit of solace
Throughout my life, I have had many ups and downs, highs and lows. Whatever you call them they bring some pretty hard times, on occasion. Whenever one of these grief-ridden times has struck me, I find a bit of solace, and it helps me through all of life?s troubles. Solace, according to the dictionary, is ? A source of comfort or consolation. ? but in reality it means so much more to some people. To some of the people in the world solace is what keeps life going, and keeps them happy in their day-to-day routine. Although a lot of people take it for granted, and usually have no idea what they have, and don?t even realize that, if they were to suddenly lose it a big part of their life would be ruined.
In my life, my personal solace has been friends, family and music and they all mean more to me, than words can describe. Friends have a huge impact on your life, and not that many people realize this. Friends cheer you up when you?re down or depressed, and while your up and in a good mood, they will keep you up. They

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