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Sometimes place and setting influence people to behave in a certain way. If you think about it, everyone changes his or her behavior including me. My behavior varies from being the sweetest angel to the biggest party animal and then there?s the terrible monster that comes out every once in a while. And trust me it isn?t easy being an angel for all the adults.
My parents knowing this become jealous because I?m so good when we have family parties or when their friends visit. I always answer the door wearing the biggest smile and most cheerful ?Hello!? I have ever given. Never forgetting to give kisses on the cheek, and great big hugs. It?s my job to act like my parents did their job in teaching their daughter manners. I make them look good and that?s all that should matter. But as soon as the last guest walk out our front door, watch out! The angel is ready to transform in to something you might not be ready for. As soon as I arrive at a club or party, the animal comes out. It?s the music, the lights, and the people that get me going. I ?m no longer shy,

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