Anatomy Of Inequity

Anatomy Of Inequity

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Anatomy of Inequity
Can a person pinpoint the single worse decision of their life I know I can pinpoint mine. Oh, I?ve made numerous choices that were questionable, but there is one that stands out like the south side of a goat facing north. That was the day I smoked my first cigarette. Blame could be cast here or there, but it was my choice. If I could, I would reverse that fateful decision. Unfortunately, there is no magical time machine that will allow me to go back. The easiest way to stop smoking is to never start. By identifying the underlying causes of why I started and the resulting effects, maybe someone who is presented with a similar situation might decide not to take that first puff.
I became an addict after smoking my first cigarette. How could this be I grew up in a family of smokers. To the best of my recollection, everyone smoked. Oh, there were a few oddballs in the family, but most everyone was lighting up at the family get-together?s. In the 1960?s people had never heard of the term second hand

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