Freeway Of Friendship

Freeway Of Friendship

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The Freeway of Friendship
Chelsey and I have been best friends ever since her first day at Roosevelt Middle School. Chelsey has always been timid and petite with long curly blonde hair that is usually twists into a beautiful up do. Which complements her adorable blue eyes and long elegantly luscious eyelashes. Her face was sprinkled from beginning to end with freckles. I on the other hand was known as the tall opinionated basketball player consisting of thick dark brown hair, bushy eyebrows and a metal-mouthed smile. We were a bit of an odd pair, but we have always gotten along wonderfully. At this time we are seventeen and about to start off our junior year of high school. School shopping was our favorite part of beginning school. Naturally we need to purchase our new wardrobe together.
Chelsey and I headed for the Mall of America to engage in a day of serious shopping. Five hours later, after searching through every single store that appealed to us, we had done the best we could to outfit ourselves for the next nine months. (Okay well at least until Christmas.) You can imagine we definitely had our

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