Utilitarian Moral Philosophy

Utilitarian Moral Philosophy

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I feel that the utilitarian moral philosophy best fit my business decision style. The reason is that I am conservative and I try not to create waves between personal decisions and corporate decisions. Moral philosophy is not the acquisition of scientific knowledge of what is right and what is wrong, but the development of the ability to reflect on the nature of our judgments of right and wrong. Moral philosophy provides a set of general rational principles, from which the answers to concrete moral problems can be reduced when the particular case is seen as falling under a general moral rule or rules. Moral philosophy may not be the only way, but it is the best and most obvious way, to develop ones powers of reflection on moral concepts and moral principles.
The utilitarian theories recognizes that all we can do, if we wish to make our actions conform to the principles of utilitarianism, is make our best practical judgment on the probable consequences of our actions. The utilitarian approach bases decisions on what is best for the majority. What is the best option for the most people with the least impact on others The mere possibility that a severely

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