Trust Worthy Yet

Trust Worthy Yet

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Trustworthy Yet

Many people know that Microsoft is known for its mass production in computer software, and graphical user interfaces. Because of this many of there products produced were not very trustworthy as far as security is concerned.
Mike Nash who is in charge of SBU, which is the newly completed security business unit for Microsoft corp. Nash knows that he is responsible for the success of Windows Server 2003 so he has asked for assistance in the security project. A company by the name of Trustworthy Computing is now affiliated with Microsoft. “The vision of Trustworthy Computing is to deliver the same level of trust in our software as a public utility,” says Nash, who has spent much of his nine years at Microsoft as a Windows marketing executive. “If you think about the service of a modern utility, you know you can depend on it. Peoples dependency on software is becoming like a modern utility and requires the same level of trustworthiness.”
This throws a curve in Microsoft?s production scheme. Microsoft?s reputation is to pump out software, and/or products, this becomes a problem because a week following a patch or fix is sent out

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