The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby

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In the novel The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby and Wilson have been minipulated by their love for their women. They do strange things to attract and please their women. Eventually this love lead to their downfall.
Gatsby was made by the dream of Daisy. Daisy basicaly lead his life, although she wasn?t even a part of it. Gatsby modeled his life by the thought that he could be with Daisy. Daisy became his secret obsession. Not only did Gatsby buy a house in the area she wanted to live, but he bought an elegant, and extravagant house. He threw massive parties, and sought out her cousin Nick. ?I think he half expected her to wonder into one of his parties some night.? (p.172) He did all this for Daisy. If she didnt?t rule his life, per say, she certianly ruled his thoughts, in turn rulling his life.
Wilson married an upper middle class woman named Myrtle. Myrtle controlled Wilson?s life physically. Myrtle made all the decissions for Wilson. Myrtle once told him to bring their company chairs, and he ?hopped to it.? ?Get some

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