The Edible Woman

The Edible Woman

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C.G.Jungs comment, “The unconscious mind of man sees correctly even when the conscious reason is blind and impotent”, is indicative to Margaret Atwoods book The Edible Woman. We see how the unconscious affects a woman mind unknowingly. The mind and body have an inter connection. They work with each other even though the conscious mind may not know it.
Atwoods main character, Marian McAlpin, was ordinary. After she graduated college she started her simplistic job. Her relationships with people, friends, and her boyfriend, were purely surface. She began feeling crippled by the mundaneness of her already mapped out life. She feared the thought of being the annoying old lady in the basement. She feared living a married life with children, miserable like Carla. She feared the very thought of the “pension plan” for it symbolized the future. A future she hadnt began to question until she met Duncan. We see a shift of characteristics between Duncan and Marian. Her job is to chew up words to make it easier for people to read and understand and then test these people with her revisions. Duncan, however, treats

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