Sir Gawain And Green Knight

Sir Gawain And Green Knight

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This essay will critically analyze Sir Gawain and The Green Knight in order to show how the author?s use of symbolism, chivalric virtues, and religious undertones serve as the ultimate ?test? for Gawain, and ultimately humanity.
Sir Gawain and The Green Knight begins with Arthur?s Christmas feast being interrupted by the emergence of a mysterious horseman. He makes an interesting offer of a game to the Knights regarding the chopping off of some heads and the brave Sir Gawain rises to the occasion. After cutting the Green Ghosts head off, Gawain must meet him one year later and fulfill his part of the deal and get his head chopped off. In short, one year later Gawain searches for this Green Knight and stumbled upon a castle. He stays there for a few days and eventually gets enticed by the lord?s wife. The lord of the castle, Bercilak, is away in the forest hunting at this time. Gawain accepts a magic belt from the Lady, which he will use later to protect himself against the Green Knights vengeance. He soon departs to meet with the Green Knight. The horseman takes a few chops at Gawain but

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