Animal Farm

Animal Farm

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One night when Farmer Jones has gone to bed drunk, all the animals of Manor Farm assemble in the barn for a meeting. Old Major, the prize pig, wants to tell them about a strange dream he had. First, he tells them in clear, powerful language “the nature of life” as he has come to understand it. Animals toil, suffer, get barely enough to eat; as soon as they are no longer useful, they are slaughtered. And why Because animals are enslaved by Man, “the only creature that consumes without producing.” There is only one solution: Man must be removed. And animals must be perfectly united for their common goal: Rebellion.
After a brief interruption caused by the dogs chasing after some rats and a vote proposed by Major to decide if rats are comrades (they are), Major sums up: All animals are friends, Man is the enemy. Animals must avoid Mans habits: no houses, beds, clothes, alcohol, money, trade. Above all, “we are brothers. No animal must ever kill any other animal. All animals are equal.”
He cannot describe his dream to them, “a dream of the earth as it will be when Man has vanished.” But he does

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