Color Purple

Color Purple

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The Color Purple

This story takes place in the south. It seems like its in a small farm town. It doesn?t say exactly where it the country it takes place, but it does tell us its the south.
It takes place starting in 1903. It tells the story of a girls life as she grows older and all the things she has to go through.
Celie is the main character in this story. It starts out when she was 14 and her stepfather used to rape her. He told her not to tell anyone (but God) about what he had done. She has two kids from her stepfather, Adam and Olivia. She started writing letters to God and from that is how the first half of the book is told. Her stepfather takes her two children from her and gives them to one of his friends while they?re babies without telling her. Her father refuses consent for Nettie to marry a man but gives Cetie away to him instead. Since he didn?t get the wife he wanted he abuses her while they are married.
Alphonso was

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