Royal Authority in the Age of Absolutism

Royal Authority in the Age of Absolutism

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The royal authority, otherwise the ruling power over a country, can decide how to rule the country. During the period between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, historians label this period as the ?Age of Absolutism? in the Discovering the Western Past on page 38. Absolutism is defined as by as ?A political theory holding that all power should be vested in one ruler or other authority?. That means that one person, as in the King, has all or absolute power over something and in this application, it applies to the 17th century European countries. Absolutism is based from the ideas of religious beliefs and the absolute power invested in a prince/king. As long as the rules of God are not broken, political powers have the right to do anything under the name of God.
At first, there were problems with the idea of Absolutism. First, the nobles that had previously had power in the government didn?t want to give that up. Nobles controlled the military armies and served as the judges of the great law courts as said in the Discovering the Western Past on page 39. Another problem was the Protestant

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