Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton

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Sir Isaac Newton was born on Christmas day of 1642, in Woolsthorpe, England. As a lad, Newton showed extraordinary signs of intelligence. He was always reading books to expand his knowledge. He studied for five years at the University of Cambridge, and with the help of a common red fruit and Galileo; Sir Isaac formulated the three fundamental laws of motion. All of the following examples neglect friction and air resistance.
Newton?s first law of motion is the law of inertia, which states that a body at rest or motion tends to stay at rest or motion. Suppose a car, going 30 M.P.H., hits a pole. The driver would be ejected out the windshield, because his body would want to stay in motion. If that same car were to take a turn to quickly and loose traction, it would continue in the same direction it was going. Before this guy did all the stupid stuff I just said, he set a mug of coffee on the top of his car, while he put air in his tires at the air pump. He then got in his car and drove away, forgetting about

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