Is Gimpel Really A Fool

Is Gimpel Really A Fool

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When reading through ?Gimpel the Fool?, the reader asks who the fools really are Throughout this paper I will use the psychological approach. I will use this to show that Gimpel?s character grows more into a successful person rather than a fool as everyone knows him to be.
?Gimpel The Fool? is a story written by Isaac Bashevis Singer. This story is about a simple man named Gimpel. He is measured by many to be a fool because he is naive and easily taking advantage of; constantly falling for tricks layed out by the townspeople. Gimpel is also easily persuaded by the townspeople; they end up persuading him into marrying Elka, who is known as a whore.
The author?s point of view is what he is trying to get across to the readers. In this story, Singer is showing that good triumphs over evil. The author shows Gimpel?s good side, by showing how caring and kind he is to people no matter what way he is treated by them. Gimpel just believes if he goes with the flow of things it would be a lot easier than dealing with the townspeople. ?However, I resolved that I would always believe

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