Brave New World

Brave New World

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April 19,1999 Customs and conventions force people into a mold *form*. In this way, human beings are prevented from enjoying personal fulfillment in their lives. However, is the lack of personal freedom justified if the mold people are forced into creates social stability A social stability that creates personal fulfillment, however, is as artifical as the people that enjoy it. In Brave New World the people, for the most part, are robots made of flesh and blood. These are not people enjoying fulfillment but are drones, high on soma, playing their role in the puppet show of the World Controllers *Mustapha Mond*. At first, someone will dismiss the notions, ideas and predictions of this book as a ridiculous fiction and the result of Huxley?s crazy imagination. However, one must look at his development of his Brave New World more closely to see its feasibility. As Mustapha Mond stated, technology and life sciences were making rapid advancements, as they are in the present day tod!
ay. These advancements in Huxley?s society caused gaps in countries, religious and various groups of people because of the moral, political and scientific values they epresented. Eventually, one comes to the 9 Years War in A.F. (after

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