Night Novel

Night Novel

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At the end of Night Elie Wiesel was in the hospital for food poisoning after the liberation of the camp Buchenwald. He looked in a mirror for the first time since he had lived in the ghetto just before he and his family were forced to leave for Auschwitz. Wiesel said ?from the depths of the mirror, a corpse gazed back at me?. Although he was physically free and alive his spirit and soul were still trapped and surrounded by the terrible memories that would never allow a peaceful life. Wiesel?s spirit was the corpse gazing back at him.
Elie Wiesel?s spirit began to deteriorate the moment he was separated from his mother and sister at Birkenau, the reception center for Auschwitz. Since Wiesel was only fifteen years of age at the time, it must have been a great devastation to him for not only being in the terrible place where he was, but for also seeing his mother and younger sister for the last time.
Wiesel did everything possible to remain with his father as they were moved from camp to camp. Without his father, Elie would surely have died in the camps. He lived for

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