I think Google stops people from using their knowledge

I think Google stops people from using their knowledge. In the blink of an eye, the search engine delivers useful information about pretty much any subject imaginable. Think about when you don’t understand something or your unsure where do you go. Most of the time you’ll go to Google to get the information. Without out even taking the time to think about what you’re not understanding. You could have probably gotten the answer if you just sat down and thought about the subject material. But google is so tempting because it has all the answers and it’s so easy to use. When you first go to the internet you most likely will be taken to google. You can access google through your computer, laptop, Cell Phone even IPod. Almost everyone has at least one of the devices. Nicholas Carr author of “The Shallows: What the Internet is doing to Our Brains” thinks that google is even making us shallow.

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