Effective communication plays an important role in developing positive relationships with children

Effective communication plays an important role in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults. Communication is a link that will help the children to feel secure and can easily separate from their parents and also get themselves involved in various learning activities.

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Effective communication helps in building relationship on a mutual understanding of respect can be a strong relationship that will make communication easier. It’s also important to show them that you are approachable so that they feel comfortable around you and if they have any questions or are struggling with the lessons they can talk to you about it.

When we listen to children with interest, it makes them feel valued. The children have to know that their opinions and interest are important to us, this helps in increasing their self-confidence and self-esteem.

To be effective communicator and strengthen positive relationships we need to think about what we are going to say and how we are going to say it. Children learn by watching the teachers and teaching assistants, therefore it is important that we communicate professionally at all times.

Communication involves listening as well as speaking. How we listen to others is important. Effective communication is not just talking verbally but also our body language and expression is a part of communication.

Therefore while talking to a child or a young person it’s important to show good body language and expressions. For example: While praising a child with a thumbs up and a gentle smile would convey the message to the child effectively. When a child is complaining about something or just giving his/her opinion, looking in his/her eyes and nodding your head shows that you are listening to the child and he/she is important to you. By doing this they will feel supported and understood and are much more likely to trust and be open with you.